
Kangwon Lee
Senior Vice President of R&D at SK Telecom / Ph.D. / SKT Fellow / ACM Distinguished Scientist
Dr. Kang-Won Lee is a Senior Vice President of R&D for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) at SK Telecom. He is directing technology development in the areas of Network and IT Convergence. Specific areas of focus are Software-Defined Networks, Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC), Intelligent Network Analytics, and Secure IoT Solutions. Prior to joining SK Telecom, he worked at IBM Watson Research in Yorktown Heights, NY for 14 years. At IBM he worked on Network Analytics, Spatiotemporal Analytics, Network Function Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and Sensor Information Processing. His team developed major features for IBM TPC SAN Configuration Manager, Informix, SPSS, G2, and Tivoli Netcool products. He also led major government projects sponsored by NIST, US Army, UK MOD at multi-million dollar funding level. Kang-Won published more than 100 technical articles in premier ACM/IEEE conferences and journals. He serves the technical community as a technical society president, advisor, journal editor, conference chair, keynote speaker, and mentor. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a MS and a BS in Computer Engineering from Seoul National University. He was a Master Inventor at IBM. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and IEEE Senior Member.
Title: All IT Infrastructure for the Future Mobile Network
Abstract:Recent ICT technology trends show innovation is accelerating blurring the boundaries between MNO (Mobile Network Operators) and OTT (Over The Top) Providers. In particular, software-based technologies such as SDN (Software-Defined Networking) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) are disrupting traditional closed and hardware based Telco infrastructures. SK telcom is working on the next generation mobile network to support Software-Defined Everything, and Internet of Things, and Big Data, and aggressively leading R&D efforts in this area. In this talk, I will cover the following topics:
-ICT Trends
-All IT Infrastructure Evolution
-All IT Network Components
*Cloud-RAN/Core, SDDC
*E2E Orchestration
*Media, IoT
-SKT’s Strategy for SDDC
*Management Platform (T-ROS)
*Software-Defined Networking
*Mobile PaaS Platform