CFI 2010
- The Fifth International Conference on Future Internet Technologies -
Seoul Kyoyuk Munhwa Hoekwan Hotel, Seoul, Korea
16-18 June, 2010
Keynote Speeches
* Future of Wireless Networking, Craig Partridge (BBN, USA)
* New Internet trend and perspective on network enhancement policy, Cheol Jeung Hwang (Korea Communications Commission)
* Recursion in Networking, Joe Touch (USC/ISI, USA)
Invited Talks
* TBD, John W. Lockwood (Algo-Logic Systems and Stanford University, USA)
* Internet Censorship: Current and Future, Yongdae Kim (U. of Minnesota, USA)
* Real-Time Networking over Unreliable Wireless Networks, Mikael Johansson (KTH, Sweden)
* TBD, Max Ott (NICTA, Australia)
* Secure and Resilient Architectures for Future Internet, Bijan Jabbari (George Mason University, USA)
* Designing a 40 Gbps Software PC Router, KyoungSoo Park (KAIST)
The International Conference on Future Internet Technologies 2010 (CFI 10) will be the fifth event in the series. Researchers from Asia, Europe, North America and elsewhere gather in this high profile forum to discuss their work in progress and visions for long-term research activities. The goal of this event is to foster international research collaboration in the emerging field of future Internet research, covering clean-slate Internet architecture concepts, new networking protocols and related global-scale/ programmable network testbeds.