Paper Submission

Papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered. Submissions must follow the ACM Proceedings format by using the provided templates (LaTeX (cls, tex) and MS Word). For paper review, PDF file submission is recommended for paper review. Later, for accepted papers, we will provided updated submission templates. Papers will be published in a conference proceeding and on-line. If you have any further questions, please send an email to

Submission of paper will be handled by the EasyChair conference system:

Please specify the type of your submission by adding "[Regular]" or "[Short]" in front of your paper title when you're inputting the title field. Also, please use the name of submission file like "CFI2012-Regular-xxx" or "CFI2012-Short-xxx".

  1. Regular paper: Regular paper submission should be from FOUR to SIX pages in length.
  2. Short (work in progress) paper: Short paper submission should be TWO pages in length.
  3. [New category] Poster: Poster abstract submission should be ONE A4 page in length.

Templates (Updated for Camera-ready)