Asato Yamanaka
Master Course Student, Okayama University, Japan

2011.4-Present Master Course, The Guraduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University, Japan
2007.4-2011.3 Bachelor course, Depertment of Communication Network, Okayama University, Japan
Research Interests:
Cloud computing, Server migration service, Destination selection algorithm
Title: Destination Selection Algorithm in a Server Migration Service
Using network virtualization technologies for network applications (NW-Apps) consisting of
server and clients, we can implement a server migration service where there are many serv-er running environments (working places: WPs) inside a network and servers on WPs can migrate to other WPs when communication QoSs in some NW-Apps fall off. Because ser-ver size is large, the traffic for server migration causes QoS degradation of its background traffic. Thus, it is important to decrease the degree (network impact) of the QoS degradation. In this paper, we propose three destination selection algorithms, MIA, MRA and MCA that try to decrease the impact while increasing the number of NW-Apps' clients whose SLA (service level agreement) are satisfied. When a server migration is triggered, MIA, MRA and MCA move the server in the WP with each characteristics. Numerical examples show that when the number of accommodatable servers in full-cover WP (a full-cover WP is such WP that communicates with an arbitrary client while satisfying the SLA) is small or there is no full-cover WP, MIA outperforms the others, otherwise MCA outperforms the others.