Ilaria Cianci
PhD student, Polytechnic of Bari, Italian

November the 10th 2008
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor Degree in Communication Engineering
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Thesis "Sviluppo di un firmware per DSP dotato di doughter card per l'implementazione di una tecnica di predistorsione online" (Firmware development for DSP equipped by doughter card for the implementation of online predistorion technique)
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Politecnico di Bari
Level in national or international classification 106/110
"A fairness analysis of Content Centric Networks"
Michele Tortelli, Ilaria Cianci, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia, Camarda Pietro,
Proc. of IFIP Int. Conf. Network of the Future, NoF, Paris, France, Nov. 2011.
"Content Centric Services in Smart Cities"
Ilaria Cianci,Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia, Camarda Pietro,
Proc. of Int. Workshop on technologies and applications for smart cities (I-TASC), Paris, France, Sept. 2012.
"CCN ? Java Opensource Kit Emulator for wireless ad hoc network"
Ilaria Cianci, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia,
Proc. of ACM Int. Conf. on Future Internet Technologies, CFI, Seoul, Korea, Sep., 2012..
Title: CCN - Java Opensource Kit Emulator for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
The information centric paradigm assumes that the Future Internet will be built around contents rather than host lo-cations. In this direction, the promising Content CentricNetworking (CCN) architecture has been conceived to solvethe problems of the today Internet by means of a novelway for distributing contents (based on their names) and byadopting distributed caching mechanisms. CCN can be par-ticularly bene?cial in an ad hoc networking environments,where the main goal is the delivery of data to a given des-tination node no matter its position, and moreover, in sce-narios characterized by limited connectivity, just as wirelessad hoc networks. Some interesting works, available in liter-ature, propose the exploitation of CCN paradigm in MobileAd hoc Networks or Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. Our con-tribute, here, is to provide the scienti?c community with anew fully customizable and open source emulation platform,named CCN-Joker, well-suited for wireless devices with lim-ited resources. The rationale of the developed tool entails anapplication-level overlay. It is composed by several modules interacting with the data structures which a CCN node is commonly made of. We also conduct some preliminary ex-periments in a small overlay (composed by six EFIKA pow-erPC boards, equipped by a Wi? external card), analyzingthe content distribution process, the hit ratio, and the av-erage download time. These preliminary results con?rm thesuitability of CCN-Joker to study the CCN performance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks or Vehicular Ad hoc Networks.