JongWon Kim
Professor, GIST, Korea

Dr. JongWon Kim received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1987, 1989 and 1994, respectively, all in control and instrumentation engineering. During 1994-2001, he was an Assistant Professor of Electronics Engineering Department at the KongJu National University, KongJu, Korea, and then a Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering - Systems Department at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. From Sept. 2001, he has joined the Department of Information & Communications (DIC), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea, where he is currently working as a full Professor. Under the slogan of "Dynamic composition of immersive media-centric services over the wired/wireless IP convergence networks," he is focusing on networked media systems and services. Dr. Kim is the senior member of IEEE, and the members of ACM, SPIE, KICS, IEEK, KIISE (former KISS), KIPS, and HCI-Korea. He has been serving as the editorial board member of Elsevier JVIS (Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation), several KIISE, and KIPS Journals.
Title: Understanding Resource-aware Control of Media-centric Service Composition over Future Internet Testbeds
Service composition provides flexible ways to build media-centric Internet applications that integrate dispersed media contents and tools. To design a media-centric service composition approach in Future Internet testbeds, we introduce an ongoing effort to understand the control of media-centric service composition process. This paper conceptually describes key elements to represent resource-aware and media-centric service composition and explains a service composition process. At this stage, we have not yet performed its feasibility test, which is remained as future work.