Miyoung Kang
Research Professor, Korea U, Korea

Miyoung Kang is currently a research Professor at Research Institute for Information and Communication Technology in Korea University, Korea. She is a researcher of network security and SDN projects in Formal Methods Lab. She has been working on formal specification and verification of networks and security systems since 2003. Her research interests include formal specification, formal verification, network security, future Internet, software-defined networking (SDN) technologies. She is also researching formal methods of open programmable networking. She received a Ph.D. degree in computer sicence and engineering by research on user authentication schemes with user anonymity for wireless communications in 2011.
Title: Formal Specifications for Software-Defined Networking
It is important to understand the correct specification of SDN in order to implement and analyze the SDN in mind. However, natural languages are usually ambiguous and misleading the specification due to the nature of natural language understanding. Hence, it has been required to have formal specifications after natural language documents. We modeled the Controller-Switch specification using ACSR for behavior, and using Z for functionality. We compare the
advantages and disadvantages using the formalisms introduced here in order to make an appropriate new specification language for SDN.