TaeWan You
Senior Researcher, ETRI, Korea

He joined Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institutes (ETRI) in 2011 after finishing Ph. D course work from Seoul National University (SNU) and is currently a senior research member. He received his master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Seoul National University (SNU) in 2004 and he had worked on ETRI from 2004 and 2007. His major research areas include Future Internet, Internet architecture, mobility, and multihoming technologies and are closely related to standardization activities in ITU-T, IETF, etc.
Title: Exploiting Mobile Oriented Future Internet (MOFI) For Future Cloud Datacenter Networks
This paper proposes a future cloud data center network architecture not only to resolve problems of conventional three-tier reference data center networks but also to provide interworking other networks by adopting the Identifier and locator separation mechanism from MOFI.