Eduard Grasa
Research Manager at DANA, i2Cat / Distributed Applications and Networks Area (DANA), Spain

PhD. Graduate in Telecommunication Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, July 2004) and Ph.D. (UPC, February 2009). In 2003 he joined the Optical Communications Group (GCO), where he researched his thesis on software architectures for the management and control of sliceable networks in collaboration with i2CAT, which he joined in 2008. He has participated in several national and international research projects, including UCLPv1, UCLPv2, HULP, FP6 PHOSPHORUS, FP7 FEDERICA, FP7 OFELIA, DREAMS, HPDMnet, IaaS Framework, Manticore II. He is knowledgeable about several service oriented technologies (Jini/Javaspaces, OGSA, WSRF, Web Services, OSGi), network technologies (DWDM, Ethernet, SONET/SDH, IP) and management protocols (TL-1, CLI, SNMP, NetConf), and has 5 years of computer progamming experience in Java. His current interests are focused on the Recursive Internetwork Architecture (RINA), a clean-slate internetwork architecture proposed by John Day. He is currently involved in a join project with Boston University, the TSSG, and TRIA Network Systems to develop a prototype of RINA over IP networks, and, starting January 2013, will be the technical leader of the IRATI project, an FP7-funded research project whose main goal is to research, design and implement a RINA prototype over Ethernet for a UNIX-like Operating System.
Title: Developing A RINA Prototype over UDP/IP using TINOS