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Network Science Interest Group: Front Page

Network Science Interest Group

A well-known friend is a treasure.

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Network Science Interest Group (IG) ΒΆ

Chair: Dae Young KIM (CNU)

Deputy Chair: Jung Im KANG (NIMS)

Mailing list: science@fif.kr

The WG is to explore the scientific aspects of FI design. Network design cannot depend on ad hoc or empirical methods anymore, and there could be some core governing scientific principles behind this huge human artifacts of the Internet and the Future Internet.

The WG will provide a forum where wild ideas about scientific approach to network designs will be discussed. It will also keep keen eyes on related activities in the US and EU, among others, under the same title or Internet Science.

It is hoped that the Corean community will be able to come up with their own definition of the Network Science and also to draw core elements governing the whole behavior of the communication networks and/or the Future Internet.

Membership is open to all FIF members. Monthly meetings will be held either face-to-face or electronically.


- A FIF Position Paper on Network Science

- Scientific Principles behind the Future Internet Design


- Dec. 2010: WG launched

- Jan. 2011: Job scheduling

- Jun. 2011: 1st draft Position Paper

- Dec. 2011: Final draft Position Paper

- Jun. 2012: 1st draft Principles Paper

- Dec. 2012: Final draft Principles Paper

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