It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Seoul, Korea for FIS 2015.
FIS has aimed to provide a venue where internet researchers in Asia,
Europe, and North America gather together to share their visions and
long-term research activities. As many of us already are witnessing
everyday, we live in the era of the Internet of everything. This opens
up many new challenges from PHY technologies to application services.
In FIS 2015, we hope to explore research directions that can contribute
in moving the Internet infrastructure forward. On behalf of all people
worked for the preparation of FIS 2015, I would like to take this
opportunity to welcome all participants.
DongMan Lee (Chair, FIF)
Future Internet Summit 2015, Seoul, Korea
- "Opening Remarks", Dongman Lee
- "Welcome Speech", Seong Ju Kang
Keynote Session 1: Industry
- "Towards Invisible Networks", Sujata Banerjee
- "Intellignece in IoT", Jihie Kim
- "All IT Infrastructure for the Future Mobile Network", Kangwon Lee
Keynote Session 2: Academia
- "Towards Deployment of a Next-generation Secure Internet Architecture", Adrian Perrig
- "Unleashing Middleboxes with New Programming Abstraction", KyoungSoo Park
Future Internet Forum WG Technical Session
- "Towards Network Anarchy", Sung-Ju Lee
- "Software-Defined Security", Seungwon Shin
- "Introduction to SDI (Software Defined Infrastructure)", Sungwon Lee