Testbed Working Group of Future Internet Forum


Organisation and Structure #

  • Naming
    • don't create arbitrary wikinames (OracleDatabase, not OraCle)
    • common prefixes (topical correlation)
    • common postfixes (same page type, e.g. ...Index)
  • Index pages
  • Categories (see CategoryCategory)
  • Templates
  • /SubPages (allow shorter links, automatic correlation: HelpOnEditing/SubPages)
  • Follow the guidance of the Wiki used about how to name pages etc.

Exercises #

For the exercises we use your own Wiki-homepage which is usually based on a WikiName FirstnameLastname:
  • Configure your UserPreferences.
  • create and change your homepage (normally FirstnameLastname)
  • view the changes in the RecentChanges.
  • try the icons
  • unrestrained clicking
  • ask, ask, ask.
