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Architecture Working Group: Front Page

Architecture Working Group


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Architecture Working Group (AWG) #

Chair: Hee Young JUNG (ETRI) _ hyjung@etri.re.kr

Deputy Chair: Tae Kyoung KWON (SNU) _ tkkwon98@gmail.com

Secretary: Tae Wan YOU (ETRI) _ twyou@etri.re.kr

Mailing list: architecture@fif.kr

Objectives: #

The Architecture Working Group (WG) is chartered to explore the network architecture of Future Internet. As the Internet grows towards a social infrastructure, it is being required to address a range of new requirements,e.g. scalability, security, mobility, etc. Since these requirements were not considered in the original Internet design, some basic concepts of the Internet need to be revisited and, Internet may have to be re-designed, possibly through a clean-slate way.

The work scope of the Architecture WG includes following items, but is not limited to;

- Re-visitation on current the Internet fundamentals such as the hourglass model, and the end to end argument

- Collection of new requirements for Future Internet

- Discussion on both the clean slate and the incremental approaches to Future Internet architecture, based on the requirements

- Discussion on possible deployment scenarios for Future Internet, including evolutional transitions

- Review on relevant works in US, EU, Asia, etc.

- Recommendation on necessary research issues in Korea

Deliverables: #

- WG document on new requirements for Future Internet

- WG document on important technical issues of Future Internet

Milestones: #

- Dec. 2010: WG launched

- Jan. 2011: Job scheduling

- Sep. 2011: 1st draft requirement document

- Dec. 2011: 2nd draft requirement document

- Dec. 2011: 1st document on technical issues

- Jul. 2012: 2nd document on technical issues

- Dec. 2012: Final draft requirement document

Meetings: #

Monthly meetings will be held either face-to-face or electronically.

FIF Architecture WG Meetings
Order Date & Time Venue Agenda Information

  • 11th October
  • 10:00-17:00

  • KTX Seoul station Conference room
  • GLORY 1, 4th floor

  • 요구사항 문서 논의 및 갱신
  • Technical discussion - CCN/NDN
5th meeting

  • 23th September
  • 10:00-15:00

  • KTX Seoul station Conference room
  • GLORY 1, 4th floor

  • 요구사항 문서 논의 및 갱신
5th meeting

  • 30th August
  • 14:00-18:00

  • KTX Seoul station Conference room
  • GLORY 4, 4th floor

  • 요구사항 문서 논의 및 갱신
4th meeting

  • 4th - 29th July

  • Email Discussion

  • 요구사항 문서 갱신
3rd meeting

  • 26th May
  • 14:00-16:00

  • Imperialpalace Hotel, Seoul

  • FI arhictecture 요구사항들 논의
2nd meeting

  • 26th April
  • 14:00-16:00

  • ETRI, Seoul Office
  • 3rd Conference room, 6th floor

  • 관련 연구자들의 연구활동 소개
  • 집행부 구성 및 WG 활동 방안 논의
1st meeting

Membership: #

Membership is open to all FIF members.

Join Mailing-list: architecture-request@fif.kr

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last modified 2017-02-14 03:00:45