Full text search for "HelpOnActions"

  • HelpContents . . . . 1 match
          * HelpOnActions - tools that work on pages or the whole site
  • HelpOnActions . . . . 2 matches
          * `fullsearch`: this action is triggered by clicking on the "Go" button of the `FullSearch` macro (Self:?action=fullsearch&value=HelpOnActions).
          * `titlesearch`: this action is triggered by clicking on the "Go" button of the `TitleSearch` macro (Self:?action=titlesearch&value=HelpOnActions).
  • HelpOnEditing . . . . 1 match
          * HelpOnActions - actions
  • HelpOnLinking . . . . 1 match
         In addition to the standard schemas, there are MoinMoin-specific ones: `wiki:`, `attachment:`. "`wiki:`" indicates an InterWiki link, so `MoniWiki:FrontPage` and `wiki:MoniWiki:FrontPage` are equivalent; you will normally prefer the shorter form, the "`wiki`" scheme becomes important when you use bracketed links, since there you always need a scheme. The other three schemes are related to file attachments and are explained on HelpOnActions/AttachFile.
  • WikiSlide . . . . 3 matches
          * Quick search and additional actions (HelpOnActions)
          * `AttachFile`: Attach files to a page (HelpOnActions/AttachFile)
         For details see HelpOnActions.
Found 5 matching pages out of 137 total pages
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last modified 2017-02-14 02:59:48
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