Sung-Ju Lee
Associate Professor, KAIST, Korea

Sung-Ju Lee received his PhD in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2000. He has been on the faculty of the Computer Science Department of KAIST since 2015. Before joining KAIST, he spent 15 years in the industry in the Silicon Valley; he was a Principal Research Scientist and Distinguished Mobility Architect at Hewlett-Packard Company, and a Principal Member of Technical Staff at Narus, Inc., which is now part of Symantec. His research interests lie in computer networks, mobility, wireless networking, network security, and large scale systems.
He won the HP CEO Innovation Award in 2010 as part of and the chief architect of the mega-scale wireless sensor networking team. This award recognizes the people behind the most innovative products that HP has brought to market and the winners are nominated by executives in HP businesses. He actively serves on the organizing and technical program committee of leading networking conferences. He was the General Chair of the 20th anniversary version of ACM MobiCom (2014) and co-TPC chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2016. He is a co-founder and steering committee member of IEEE SECON. He also currently serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and IEEE Internet of Things Journal. He is an IEEE Fellow and an ACM Distinguished Scientist.
Title: What is most challenging in Future Internet?