Jun Bi
Professor, Tsinghua University, China

Mr. Jun Bi received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Currently he is a full professor and director of Network Architecture & IPv6 Research Division, Institute for Network Sciences and Cyberspace (former Network Research Center) of Tsinghua University; Ph.D. supervisor of Dept. of Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University; member of Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology. He is the leading expert (PI) of the first major SDN project supported by "863" High-tech program (China Ministry of Science and Technology): Future Network architecture and INnovation Environment (FINE). He is the co-founder of China SDN and Open Networking Expert Committee and serves as the Executive Chair. He is also the consulting member of several governmental technical committees.
His research interests include Internet Architecture and Protocols, Future Internet, Internet Routing, and IPv6. He has successfully lead tens of government supported or international collaboration research projects, published more than 100 research papers and 20 Internet RFCs or drafts (4 of them were approved), owned twenty innovation patents, received national science and technology advancement prizes, and is supported by program of Ministry of Education of China for New Century Excellent Talents.
He served as Co-Chairs of IEEE INFOCOM NOM workshop (Name Oriented Mobility), IEEE ICNP FIST workshop (Future Internet Security and Trust), IEEE ICCCN NACSD Track (Network Architecture and Clean Slate Design), ACM Mobihoc NOM workshop (Emerging Name-Oriented Mobile Network), and ACM AINTEC AWFIT workshop (Asian Workshop on Future Internet Technology), and TPC members of many international academic conferences, such as ICNP, SIGCOMM-HotSDN, SIGCOMM-ICN, INFOCOM-NOM, INFOCOM-NOMEN, CoNext, ICDCS, ICCCN, IWQoS, Globecom, ICC, Networking, NGI, etc. He is Co-chair of AsiaFI (Asia Future Internet Forum) Steering Group and an ONF (Open Networking Foundation) Research Assocaite.
Title: Future of SDN