Seong-Lyun Kim
Professor, Yonsei University, Korea

Seong-Lyun Kim is a professor of wireless networks at the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, heading the Radio Resource Management & Optimization (RAMO) Laboratory. He was an assistant professor of Radio Communication Systems at the Department of Signals, Sensors & Systems, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. He was a visiting professor at Control Group, Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto), Espoo, Finland. He served as a technical committee member or a chair for various conferences, and an editorial board member of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Communications Letters and Journal of Communications and Network. He recently served as the leading guest editor of IEEE Wireless Communications, for wireless communications in networked robotics. He also consulted various companies in the area of wireless systems both in Korea and abroad. His research interest includes radio resource management and information theory in wireless networks, economics of wireless systems, and robotic networks. Recently, he was with the KTH Center for Wireless Systems, Electrum, Kista, Sweden, as a visiting professor.
Title: Overview of Wireless WG Activities: Key Technical Issues
This talk is about the future of wireless systems, services and economics. Special
emphasis is on technological and economical breakthroughs we focus on the wireless
of tomorrow.